October 31 2018 I was miraculously set free from addiction of heroin and meth
. I wasn’t looking to be free that night, I was completely dead in my sins. But the Lord had other plans.
I never asked to follow Jesus, I was a child of satan, this was my favorite holiday. But something happened that night, were I was transformed from the inside, and when I woke up from my overdose I was freed from addiction.
I had this Strong Desire to read the Bible, a book I had burned before and ripped up so I could smoke pages out of it, I had this strong desire to read this Holy book.
I was in jail for 3 months with a drug charge and spend 3 months devouring His Word! No one ever told me about Jesus or taught me to read His Word, but I felt God’s Presense revealing His Word to me, and I would be up reading until 5 am every night in jail. Not really understanding what I was reading. But I couldn’t get enough … I ended up realizing that I NEVER want to go back to the only life I knew.. there in the jail there was a lady who worked to get women who were sexually trafficked into homes to heal in. She found a place in Michigan that was Christian based and I suddenly knew I wanted to go here. I left behind everything in Orlando, my apartment. My car, my dog. My mateirlistc things. My clothes , I went straight from jail to Michigan, looking down at my horribly bruised arms from shooting heroin being very confused as too why I felt no addiction … ( until this day it is still so shocking to not feel addiction! Praise Jesus)
I came to Michigan full of fire for this Jesus I have read about in the Bible to find out there are people who also had this fire for God. I couldn’t get enough. every night I went to my room to learn about my Father in heaven who loves me, for 7 months I was there I had learned about the Secret place as my Father taught me who He was to me. These 7 months I did not understand repentance, so I still had very bad bipolar. Anxiety and depression. I went on wellbutrin, Adderall. Clonopin and lymyctal, and I was smoking cigarettes . I still had trauma for being sexually trafficked and loved to dress up as a little girl because I was into kinks.. this house was a big blessing. Though they did not have revelation of repentance and baptism, God used them mightily in my life. Once It was time to move on, I came home to my parents, who couldn’t believe who I was and welcomed me back. I then went to a church in staten island and was very excited to share about Jesus and what He has done for me.. at the time I was watching Todd White videos. And wanted to go to his school, I thought the only way I can discover evangelism is to go here. I loved Jesus, but i was struggling and was completely bound. I met my husband at this church, we soon got married and covid hit.. in my living room I discovered the movie the last reformation by this brother who send it to me through fb…my life completely changed that night, I immediately showed my husband and he realized this was real. The next day we met up with disciples from the movement and drove 2 hours to be baptized. Due to covid, hotels were restricted, but my husband is a nurse. We got this one place and they had no bath…so we went to Walmart to buy a pool and forgot to buy a pump, so EJ ended up with his mouth blowing up this 10ft pool ( PICS BELOW) we needed to be baptized .. when I learned that baptism is a burial and we needed to repent before baptism, I knew I needed to bury my old woman of sin. I had a baptism at my church in Michigan but I never repented. So it was told to me it was just a symbol. My life stayed bound. I knew this was different, I spend 2 hours that night repenting for my sin, forgiving all who have hurt me, renouncing all witchcraft, covenants I made with demons knowingly, my false identities, I broke all the soul ties with every man and woman I was with. And I broke the generational curses of bipolar and addiction. That night in that water I was buried with Christ and I rose with Christ … I was delivered of MANY demons, I had a pact with a demon named Lucy. Who manifested once and for all and left, I never heard her voice speak to me, and through me again, I threw out all of my medicine and my vape that I smoked, I had a peace that I cannot explain, and my depression and anxiety left … I never felt a bipolar episode since either . . . From that day I understood that I had authority in Christ to preach the gospel, heal the sick, cast out unclean spirits and baptize people in water and spirit. Since this day I have seen over 1000 people healed from sickness, disease, pain, illnesses, I have preached the gospel to over 5000 people, I have cast out many unclean spirits out of people and I have baptized about 30+ people in water and spirit. God has restored everything the enemy took from me. I now have a beautiful baby boy named Judah, and God opened my womb because I didn’t have my period for 6 years.. all of this, so I can LIVE for Jesus. What I was doing when Jesus first freed me was loving Him. I never knew that I had to obey Him! Once I learned that I was called to follow Him, I quit everything I knew and went after Him with everything in me!
I am learning how to be a good and faithful servant, I am seeking after His kingdom and developing my character in Christ. He is refining me daily and I am dying to myself daily. I am seeing people set free all the time and God is using me! I am so blessed to have been chosen apart for His glory. I just want to serve Him forever because there is nothing so beautiful than walking in His will !!
This being said..if ANYONE is struggling with any of these things I have written about, please contact me, this freedom wasn’t only for me. Jesus died for you too!! I am now equipped to help you to lead you through repentance and baptize you and get you delivered from all of these things keeping you in bondage!!
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